0681312476 / 06 8131 2476
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Please share your idea about 0681312476 / 06 8131 2476.
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Your sincere word will be of great help to everyone.
Call Type: Scam call ( Safety Score: rating star )
0681312476 info0681312476 info

Number is used by scammers for blackmail and extortion. They engage in inappropriate WhatsApp chats and once they trace you (e.g. Facebook or LinkedIn), they blackmail you for payments by sending your chats to family, friends and your work colleagues.
2021-09-18 21:30:15 (*.*.164.183) report
Call Type: Scam call ( Safety Score: rating star )
0681312476 info0681312476 info

This number is used by scammers for blackmail and extortion. The scammers poses as Janette or Ronelle (or other names) and engages in WhatsApp chats of a ***ual nature. Once you send a photo of yourself or the scammer can link your mobile number to you (e.g. Facebook or LinkedIn), then they track your family, friends and work colleagues, threatening to post your indiscreet chats with them unless you pay money. Once you pay they don't delete the information and keep returning for additional payments
2021-09-18 21:03:27 (*.*.164.183) report
If you're concerned that a phone call, SMS, voicemail or email claiming to be from the ATO is not genuine, don’t reply to it. Instead you should either:

phone ATO on 1800 008 540

An example of this type of scam is available below:

Audio recording of suspended TFN scam (MP3 82KB)
2024-05-17 17:41:38 ( advisor )
Type: Landline, Australia
International Phone Number : +61 681312476
Hits : 142
Date : 2024-05-17 17:41:38
Safety score of 06 8131 2476
1 out of 5 based on 2 user ratings.
* The lower the score, the lower the safety.
0439 787 204
call back and states collection team out of hours 2024-05-14 19:47:09 (*.*.ca0e.4900)
0413 106 533
seems good 2024-05-10 10:09:43 (*.*.174.77)
02 6190 6054
scammer calling from this service number, do not get trap in scam 2024-05-08 13:57:36 (*.*.220.221)
0403 729 903
If someone calls and does not leave voicemail, then its a scam or unwanted call. Your safety call score card should also be able to select zero. 2024-04-22 11:38:59 (*.*.21.146)
0459 283 527
A male with an Asian accent calling old subscribers of IBISWorld research and reporting platform and offering their services. He was not pushy. Unsure if the call was genuine. 2024-04-17 12:09:07 (*.*.21.110)
0429 092 732
W 2024-04-15 15:56:36 (*.*.7404.d200)
06 8131 2476 Hits 142 / 17:41:38
09 6182 7331 Hits 15 / 17:41:37
07 0436 4467 9 Hits 1 / 17:41:37
07 0201 3030 Hits 1 / 17:41:37
0406 170 953 Hits 2 / 17:41:37
03 9571 6446 Hits 2 / 17:41:37
03 8450 1499 Hits 10 / 17:41:37